Dr. Mark Venincasa has been serving the Metroplex since 1986. With almost 4000 families served by Dr. Venincasa, you can feel comfortable knowing you are in the hands of one of the most trusted and caring dentists in Texas.
Dr. Venincasa wanted to be a dentist since he was four years-old. His dream inspired him to create a practice which is centered on the patient. Traditional values such as honesty, integrity, friendliness, sincerity, respect, and doing to others as he would like others to do for him, permeate every aspect of his practice.
Dr. Venincasa’s patients appreciate his personal attentiveness, his sincere caring demeanor, his calmness, his gentle touch, his interest in their lives, and his taking the time to provide personal care. One of the goals of his practice is to provide care which actually saves the patients time and money over the course of their lives.
A Brief History of Dr. Venincasa’s Office, in His Own Words
My practice began in September 1986. I was an associate working out of two dental offices of the same dental practice. One of the offices was located near Lovers Lane and Abrams Road in Dallas; the other was near Arapaho Road and Hillcrest Road, between the former campus of Prestonwood Baptist Church (currently a school), and All Saints Catholic Church.
During this time, I worked as an employee for the senior associate’s practice three days a week at the rate of $1,500 monthly. For three other days a week, I started my practice.
Starting my practice was more difficult than I had anticipated. It seemed that every month, I was re-starting since I did not yet have patients referring back to my practice very much.
I was active in my church singles group, I was visiting pharmacists, and I was visiting area businesses to let them know about my practice. Thankfully, my practice did grow. With this first-year growth, I determined that I needed all six days in which to build and maintain my practice. So, I gave up my $1,500 salary and started working on a commission basis within the same two dental offices.
My practice continued to grow through my personal contacts as well as through word-of-mouth referrals. After another 18 months, I made the decision to merge both offices into one location. In 1989, I moved both practices to just south of the intersection of LBJ Freeway and Hillcrest Road. I was sub-leasing space from another dentist. With just one location, I was able to focus my practice growth efforts to a more defined area. With my cash flow, I was able to buy one treatment room of equipment to use in my sub-leased space.
I continued to work six days a week. Thankfully, my practice continued to grow. After almost three years, my practice needed a larger space. It was then that I finally was able to move into my own office.

In November 1992, I moved my dental office to its current location, in the Preston Trail office building, located at 17330 Preston Road. I lived minimally, as I used all I could to support the dental practice. The former NCNB bank, now Bank of America, loaned me the funds needed to finish out shell space on the first floor. Again, it was my cash flow which supported this loan.
When the office opened, we worked out of two treatment rooms, with room to grow into two more. As time went on, we grew from one staff member to now three, and we equipped those other two treatment rooms. With a practice home now, it was able to grow and become established.
I thank God for the opportunity I have had to create a viable business and to meet such wonderful patients. I have found that building a practice has been a great deal of hard work, has demanded attention to detail, and it has solidly grown because my practice is based upon the traditional values of honesty and respect.
I have found the biggest gift that I have received from my practice is the multitude of relationships I have gained with my patients. I value my patients so much.
We do still accept new patients. We would welcome you and extend to you the same level of personal care and quality service that our patients have enjoyed since 1986.
Our Unique Dental Practice
If you are looking for a spa or a practice which seems primarily interested in providing cosmetic dentistry, this is not the place for you.
Dr. Venincasa realizes that the delivery of medical and dental care has changed dramatically, leaving patients to wait excessively, to spend little time with their doctors, or to feel as they are being sold something they did not request.
A visit to Dr. Venincasa’s dental office resembles the more traditional dental practice, where patients are habitually seen on-time for their appointments, where Dr. Venincasa spends more than an adequate amount of time with his patients, and where Dr. Venincasa provides to the patients the care they desire after being informed of advantages and disadvantages of multiple options.
If you appreciate this approach to providing dental care, we invite you to give us a call.
Our Approach to Cosmetic Dentistry

While it is true that Dr. Venincasa does not attempt to talk patients into obtaining cosmetic dentistry, he is very interested in providing it to patients who request it.
Any cosmetic treatment we provide is intended not only to look nice. We also provide cosmetic dentistry to provide for a better-functioning mouth. Careful attention is paid to the jaw joints, to the jaw muscles, to the way the teeth bite together, and to providing a result which can last for a long time.
Cosmetic dentistry is an investment; we do not take that lightly. Our aim is to find out from interested patients their desires and expectations.
From there we perform a thorough examination, a careful study of our findings, and a complimentary consultation to allow these interested patients to understand the options available to them. The decisions for care are centered on the patient and their desires at all times.
We believe this approach to cosmetic dentistry is honest, respectful, and patient-centered. If you appreciate this approach to cosmetic dentistry, please contact us today.