The holidays are coming! To some degree we are all preparing in our own way. Included in our celebrations of course is enjoying holiday and Christmas treats. Do you have a tooth that has been sensitive at times? Do you have a tooth that aches when you lay down at the end of your day? Are you taking a mild analgesic like Advil, Motrin, or some prescription pain medication you have “laying around”? Do you wake up with tooth pain in the middle of the night? Are you eating or drinking more on one side of your mouth to avoid sensitivity or pain? Have you been resisting eating firmer or harder foods because of pain upon biting? Have you been putting less ice in your drinks to avoid sensitivity?
Any of these answered by a yes may point to a problem which needs to be addressed. This may include gum recession with exposure of the more sensitive root surface, gum recession with a decayed root surface, a decayed tooth, a cracked tooth, a dental abscess, a cracked root in a tooth especially if has had root canal therapy in the past, a failing filling or crown, a loose filling or crown, or a cracked filling. Something else may also be in play. Perhaps with the stress of this time of year you may be grinding your teeth at night.
Any of these problems may lead to further problems and may lead to additional expense. Perhaps if any of these things are occurring, you should consider at least an evaluation by a dentist so you can enjoy this time of year while minimizing your potential for an emergent dental problem. Perhaps you really should contact your dental office for this evaluation.
If you do not have a dentist we do still have availability to see you prior to our closing the office for the year. Our last day is December 23, 2014. If you are interested in finding out more about us we invite you to follow this link. We invite you to see our certified patient reviews. We invite you to call us at (972) 250-2580, or to contact us in any way you see available within this web page. We thank you for your interest in this posting; we invite you to peruse our website for more original writings from the dentist here at Venincasa Dental.