Once again I was requested a referral to a really good dentist. This time the request came through a post on a friend’s profile page on Facebook. Quite a few friends commented on their pleasure with their own dentist. I followed suit with a referral of my own to a Southlake dentist. This is one way prospective patients solicit recommendations for the best dentist.
Personal recommendations have always been a wonderful way for me to receive new patients. There is truly a transferal of trust to the new patient when a friend or existing patient refers a patient to my practice. We value that trust because it makes the initial appointments easier to navigate. With that trust the new patients are more accepting of what we do, how we do it, and what we recommend as a result of all of it.
However, I have been absolutely floored by the trust new patients have for us that find us online. I am totally shocked. Through an online experience, prospective patients can study our actively managed website, written by your kind and humble dentist, they can study other websites with information about us, and they can find a multitude of online reviews.
As of this writing I have over 350 online reviews written about me. That alone surprises me. There have been over 350 patients who have made the decision on their own, either on their own phone or on their own computer device, to take the time to write an honest review of my practice with no pressure and no incentive through me nor my practice. They simply want to share their experience of me and my practice. Through the efforts of my wonderful patients, there is a library of reviews about us online for anyone to access 24/7. They simply wanted to share their experience with you, the onliner. We are deeply appreciative and humbly proud of our patient reviews. They do indeed assist others find the dentist who they think is the greatest and the best.