Yes, there are many root canal dentists in Dallas. They can be in the form of an endodontist or in the form of a general dentist. So, how do you go about selecting one?
In the past, asking friends and neighbors was the primary way patients would find their dentist. However, with the Worldwide Web, patients can research root canal dentists. Patients can find certified patient reviews of dentists, they can find information on the dentist’s websites, and they can find ratings of dentists as well. I myself would utilize the Internet to find a dentist as well. There is so much information available there.
To illustrate, we can show you what you can find on the Internet concerning my dental practice. On the Worldwide Web, you can find my certified patient reviews, you can find my resume, you can find our own information concerning root canals through our tabs or our posts, and you can find ratings and rankings in which we are included.
However, I can add one more thing. You would have a difficult time finding a dentist who is as conservative as I am in performing root canal treatment. You see, just because there is a toothache does not mean a root canal is necessary. Sure, I can understand why patients would agree that a root canal would be recommended, and I can understand why dentists and endodontists would recommend root canal treatment for a toothache. However, there are other reasons that should be considered prior to initiating root canal treatment. Why should a root canal be done if it is not needed? Why should you get your gall bladder out if there is nothing wrong with your gall bladder?
Times have changed, folks. Many dental practices are owned by companies or corporate entities. Other dental practices are being squeezed by dental insurance managed care dental plans and their lower fees. The health care environment is changing to provide more access; however, in doing this, quality of care suffers, and the amount of time the doctors and dentists can spend with you is decreasing in general. As a result, with doctors and dentist, the most likely diagnosis is arrived at in the shortest time possible in many cases. This is NOT how I operate my practice.
I have resisted the managed care dental plans. I have resisted selling my practice to corporate entities who have approached me over the years. We have been able to maintain that traditional family dental practice model, where patients come first, where honesty and quality are our foundation, and where performing root canal treatments are done only if absolutely needed. To be very transparent and honest with you here, which I have never ever seen within the Internet before on this subject, I am going to divulge to you that in 2014, less than 0.90% of my patients visiting my practice had a root canal treatment done. To restate this, less than 1 out of every 100 patients visiting my dental practice in 2014 had a root canal procedure done.
If you value the philosophy I have concerning treating dental patients, we invite you to contact us at (972) 250-2580, or you may contact us in any other way you see available within this web page. Thank you for your interest in my practice and in my personally produced web site.